It’s a GIRL!

april 18, 2018

Caution: This very well might be one of the most beautiful pregnant women you’ve ever seen. Seriously.

I can say that because she’s not only stunning on the outside, but she has a heart of gold. She’s one of those people that you just stare at, because you can’t believe she is THAT pretty and THAT nice. But…it’s true.

Natalie is a dear friend of mine, an amazing mommy, and an incredible wife. But…she’s surrounded by BOYS. Now don’t get me wrong, she adores her sweet boys and her amazing hubby…but I can also say that she’s over the moon to have a precious little girl to add to the family.

In a few weeks, we’ll welcome baby Vera into the world…but for now, I’d say she’s nice & cozy right where she is.


@ jeni.aohphotography

my everyday adventures