engagement & Weddings

The only thing better than capturing moments is telling the stories of the people that go along with them. I always get asked, "How do you always photograph the most inspiring people with the BEST stories?" Well, I believe it's because my clients are also my friends. I get to know them. I pray for them. I take the time to learn about them. And then, I get the privilege to share their stories of love, strength, and courage with the world.

I'm so grateful to be part of their lives. I hope I get to be part of yours, too!

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birth, bellies & babies



Saying good bye. Sometimes it happens when you least expect it. In April of 2011, my sweet friend Heather said good-bye, way too early, to her 20 year old brother Brandon. He had a beautiful full life ahead of him, but it was painfully and quickly ripped short without notice. That day, she said goodbye […]

April 24, 2018


The day had finally come. And I just wanted to do two things. Honor my dad, and honor these couples.  Even though I thought I was prepared for the emotion of the day, I had no idea how deeply powerful it would truly be. In the weeks prior, I had gotten to know their stories. […]

April 5, 2018


I am sucker for surprise parties. Seriously…they are the best. So when a dear friend asked if I’d be willing to photograph a surprise party for one of her sweet little first graders, I was all in. I mean, what could be more fun than celebrating with a room full of crazy, screaming, sugared-up, 7 year olds?! […]

February 11, 2017

I make seriously stupid mistakes all the time. Like, really stupid. I’d like to blame it on lack of sleep. On top of that, I’m fairly confident that I’m also losing brain cells at a rapid pace. This contributes to some pretty interesting events at our house. Yet somehow, I manage, every single day, to keep […]

August 26, 2016

Daddy… Three years ago today, I said goodbye to you. I held your hand, drew my face close to yours, and told you that I was there…that you could let go. And you did. You took your last breath. And in that moment, my life changed forever. Now, nearly three years later, I dwell on […]

February 9, 2016

Welcome back. I’ve been gone a long time, and I’ve missed it. About six months ago, I decided that my photography business needed a change. Partially because I was getting bored. But mostly because I felt like I was a different person than I was when I started AOH Photography, nearly eight years ago…a totally different […]

February 16, 2015

It’s been one year. Part of me feels like it’s flown by, part of me feels like it’s been forever. But every part of me misses you. SO much. It’s been one year since I got the phone call, since I jumped out of bed and drove to be by your side. I remember it […]

February 9, 2014

My birth story. It all began with a Netflix subscription. Curious? Let’s rewind…pun intended. It was a little over a year ago. We didn’t tell many people we were going to start trying for a family; after all, we had no guarantees. We wanted to believe that God would bless us with a child, but we […]

August 8, 2013

This morning I traveled to watch my sweet nephew play his very first game of soccer. We weren’t going to miss this for the world. Uncle Bibi and Aunt Jeni arrived, camera in tow, sporting a small blue thermos to give to Levi in honor of his first game. After all, that’s how all the […]

March 31, 2013

My dad passed away two weeks ago today. People say it gets easier with time, but every day feels a little harder than the one before. I can’t explain the heartache I feel and the pain that comes to mind when I dwell on the fact that he is gone…forever. I can hardly comprehend it […]

February 24, 2013

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@ jeni.aohphotography

my everyday adventures