Same Ole’ Me…With a New Twist

april 18, 2018

Welcome back. I’ve been gone a long time, and I’ve missed it.

About six months ago, I decided that my photography business needed a change. Partially because I was getting bored. But mostly because I felt like I was a different person than I was when I started AOH Photography, nearly eight years ago…a totally different person. (read that story here)

And I wanted something that would reflect that.

I started by meeting with a close friend of mine, who just happened to do graphic design, and expressed my desire to change my logo. I thought it would be a good place to start. Something that would represent what Acres of Hope meant to me NOW.

Something elegant, not too modern. Something timeless, not too vintage. Believe me, I had more ideas in my head than I knew what to do with. But she found some way to sort through them with me…and after months of working together, we came up with this. And I LOVED it. (For more of her designs, please visit her etsy shop HERE.)


Along with the new logo, I knew I needed to simplify things. After all, I’m a mom now, and I can hardly keep up with my life…let alone juggle a website, a blog, client galleries, and an etsy shop. I just wanted it all in one place. I wanted something that would bring me peace, and not stress. And, more than anything, I wanted to write again. I missed it. I missed blogging, not only about photography, but about my life, too. In a weird way, I needed it. It was my release, my therapy. So I jumped in…and God graciously sent a few people my way to help me through the process. After a few months, I finally nailed down a simple design for a blog that I am proud of…a blog that I love.

I can’t promise 10 blog posts a month, or even a year. In fact, I’ve promised myself to NOT make any promises. I’m going to post this, take a deep breath, and stop putting pressure on myself to be perfect at everything. I can’t, and will never be, a perfect Christian, a perfect mom, a perfect wife, a perfect friend. Even a perfect photographer. But I’ve come to a place where I don’t want to be. It’s too much work. I want to be ME. The messed up, imperfect ME. Because that’s who God created me to be. That’s who my husband married.  That’s who my daddy loved.

Me. Plain old me.

So…I’m going to post this thing, sip my coffee, and smile. Because it’s FINALLY done. And because I love it.

And that makes my heart happy.

Can’t wait for you to continue on this journey with me…wherever it may lead.

Love you all, dear friends.

@ jeni.aohphotography

my everyday adventures