Back Behind the Lens Again

april 18, 2018

Well, life has been pretty darn crazy the past two years. I started this blog with the intention of keeping people updated on my photography…and somehow, it turned into a blog that kept people updated on my life instead. Nonetheless, it’s been a beautiful outlet for me. One that’s allowed me to express the deep heartache of losing my dad, and the deep joy of gaining my daughter. What a journey. But today, I’m ready to get back in the swing of things. Get back to “normal”…if that even exists.

So…come along. Won’t you?

Many of you have asked if I will continue to do photography now that I have a baby and have started a family. The answer…a resounding YES! In fact, I have left my career as a school guidance counselor and am now a stay at home mom. I LOVE it…it’s the best, yet absolute hardest job I’ve ever done. I obviously owe it all to God that I even have the opportunity to stay home and raise my little girl. But I also owe it to photography. It not only is something I deeply love, but it’s something that is helping provide for my family, allowing me to work, while still spending precious time with my daughter. I know many moms that don’t have a desire to stay home. I also know many moms who do..and can’t. So, believe me, I don’t take it for granted.

So in between diaper changes and midnight feedings, now seemed like as good of a time as any to try to get back in the swing of things and begin blogging about this job that I love so much.

First off…we have precious Harper. She is only 7 days old in these pictures. And she’s an absolute gem. Her mommy and daddy drove through Kansas City on their way to Chicago, their new home. At first, we were worried…Harper was bright eyed and not at all interested in going to sleep as we started her shoot. However, after a little cuddling from daddy, and a full tummy, we were well on our way to some pretty darn cute little photos. It was crazy to think that my sweet Zoey was this size just a few weeks ago.

Man, time flies.

This next family shoot was for my friend Katie and her amazing family. Katie and I went to college together, good ‘ole Bearcats. She and her husband have been overseas, stationed in Japan for years, and are just now returning to the states. They have a beautiful daughter, Ellie, and a pretty precious family pet, Maddie. We laughed about old times, and had so much fun reminiscing about the way things used to be. But we both agreed that as much fun as we had back then, we like things the way they are now. Today. In this moment.

It was so much fun to spend time with her sweet family.

And…don’t you think her husband is a Jim Caviezel look alike? I do.

Next up…my friend Amy and her family. Amy works with my husband Brandon as a fifth grade teacher. She’s not only an incredible teacher, but she’s an even more incredible mom. Her sweet son Brandon (not named after my husband…haha) is too cute for words. I seriously think he’s one of the most adorable kids I’ve ever seen. Those eyes melted my heart, and after spending just a few minutes with him, I was hooked on his precious little personality.

I’d like to say that I’m solely responsible for the amazing-ness of the photographs below. But when you have a family as good looking as theirs, they pretty much do the job themselves.

I love this boy. I love this family. I love my job.

Last but not least…the Lee family. This family has been coming to me for years. While I LOVE new clients, it’s so fun to have repeats..people & families that come back year after year. I get the privilege of not only seeing their two amazing kids grow up, but I get to see them go through life together, documenting the unique-ness that each year brings.

This family is so special to me. Darin and Jenn have an incredible marriage, and because of that, incredible kids. Love just radiates off of them, and they are some of the kindest people I know. Time with them hardly feels like work.

If I have a family half as great as theirs, I’m doing something right.


Wow. It sure does feel good to be behind the camera again. Thanks for taking some time to come along with me…

If you have questions or want to set up an appointment, please visit my website for 2014 pricing updates as well as information on photo shoots!

God bless you!

@ jeni.aohphotography

my everyday adventures