Sweet Baby Jude

april 18, 2018


[dropcap]You[/dropcap] know what I love most about babies? How they can change the world, how they can change our lives…in an instant. JUST by being born. Seriously…who else can make such a large impact on the world without even doing a thing? Babies change us. They remind us that every breath is a miracle. They remind us that life continues on, even after pain and sorrow. They give us hope and joy.

They’re our living, walking, breathing legacies.

I got to watch this beautiful boy come into the world last week, and it was one of the highlights of my life. (to see Jude’s birth story, please click here) Now, I get to watch him grow up, and I couldn’t be more excited. After all, he’s going to be simply awesome. He has the most amazing parents who love him and raise him to know a Savior’s love…a love much larger than anything He could ever imagine. He will live his life learning how to serve others and tell others about how BIG his God is.

“Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12)

You have huge shoes to fill, sweet boy. But you have a pretty awesome God on your side. And He loves you SO much.

So excited to see what you will do with this incredible life of yours…and so glad I get to go along for the ride.













@ jeni.aohphotography

my everyday adventures