The Arrival of Baby Marcus

april 18, 2018

It will never get old. Witnessing new life and the intense love and emotion that come along with it…sure is hard to beat.

I’ve known this family for a long time, back before they were even a “family”. We go WAY back to those carefree college days, when our biggest worry was making it to our 8:00 class, or getting to the Student Union before the Chinese food ran out. We had no worries, and even though we thought life was hard, we really had no idea of the road we were headed on. We would never have dreamed that our lives would be this different, just a few short years later. Casey met Lauren, they got married, and found themselves incredibly blessed with a beautiful daughter and precious son. Their lives were complete. Or so they thought.

Until Lauren got pregnant, and once again, their hearts made room to welcome another beautiful child into their family. This time, they chose not to find out the gender, so the anticipation was high. Months of waiting, months of praying. And finally, finally, they made it. To this day in April. This day when they would meet their newest love. Their daughter…or their son. Their sister…or their brother.

Because this sweet baby was due to arrive via C-section, I wasn’t able to photograph the actual birth…but I was incredibly honored and blessed to be able to capture the tender moments prior to and the joyous moments following this beautiful baby’s arrival. It all happened so quickly, but so perfectly. They wheeled her away, with a round, beautiful belly. And they wheeled her back in, just a few minutes later, with a round, beautiful baby. And just like that…a gorgeous, handsome baby boy entered their family, entered their lives.

This little blessing is on his way to making a huge difference in the world. I can feel it.

But no pressure, sweet baby. Don’t you worry.

After all, you don’t have to do much…you’ve already won us over.


All checked in…let the wait begin.

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The doctor’s here! Let’s get this show on the road!

Kansas-City-Birth-and Newborn-Photography

It’s GO time!

Kansas-City-Birth-and Newborn-PhotographyKansas-City-Birth-and Newborn-PhotographyKansas-City-Birth-and Newborn-PhotographyKansas-City-Birth-and Newborn-PhotographyKansas-City-Birth-and Newborn-PhotographyKansas-City-Birth-and Newborn-PhotographyKansas-City-Birth-and Newborn-Photography

And just like that…they are a family of five.

LOVE at first sight.


I think they’re kind of smitten…


Time to get big sister and brother!


Can’t wait to tell the rest of the family that we have a BROTHER!!



It’s a BOY!!! Hello world! Meet Marcus Casimir Martinez.


You know I’m a sucker for sweet daddy/daughter moments…

Kansas-City-Missouri-Newborn-Birth-Family-PhotographerKansas-City-Missouri-Newborn-Birth-Family-PhotographerKansas-City-Missouri-Newborn-Birth-Family-PhotographerKansas-City-Missouri-Newborn-Birth-Family-PhotographerKansas-City-Missouri-Newborn-Birth-Family-PhotographerKansas-City-Missouri-Newborn-Birth-Family-PhotographerHanded off..from one grandpa to another.



There goes daddy, with his designer diaper bag (and baby) in tow, headed to their room.


We’ll let them rest, let them settle in. Let them fall in love with their newest miracle.

Welcome to the world, sweet Marcus!

You are LOVED!



@ jeni.aohphotography

my everyday adventures