Kendall & Garret

april 18, 2018

maternity-photography-kc-moI say it all the time. Yet it always amazes me. I get the opportunity to photograph the most ridiculously awesome-est people ever. Yes, that’s a word.

This couple is no exception. Only took me about five minutes to fall in love with them. Their spunky personalities made the day so much fun, and we were able to get such beautiful shots as we strolled through downtown on a gorgeous, crisp, December day.  They giggled, snuggled, and laughed, making my job pretty darn effortless. Didn’t even feel like “work”. I love that.

I feel so fortunate that God placed these two in my life. I’m so honored that they chose me to tell this part of their story, to document this part of their journey. They are just the coolest. And heck, if they are this amazing as a couple, I know they’re going to be incredible as parents. I can’t wait to see what a blessing this sweet little girl is going to be to these two.

But even more than that, what a blessing they are going to be to their sweet little girl.

Because, something tells me. It’s going to be awesome.



@ jeni.aohphotography

my everyday adventures