Austin & Lauren

april 18, 2018

Kansas-City-maternity-photographerThey say when you marry someone, you marry their family. Five years ago, I thought I was getting a pretty good deal with I married my sweet husband. But I had no idea. He has the most amazing family, and these two are part of that precious little God-wrapped, package deal. I have LOVED getting to know these two over the past five years. And have felt even more blessed that they’ve asked me to photograph SO many awesome moments in their lives. I’ve gotten the opportunity to take engagement photos for them, attend their beautiful, BEAUTIFUL wedding (couldn’t photograph it because I was 36 weeks pregnant ;), and also the opportunity to live life alongside them…mourning with them through loss, and celebrating with them through their most recent miracle. They are the most amazing couple, and their love and commitment for each other and for our Savior just ooze out of their very being.

God willing, in a very short amount of time, I’ll get the opportunity to shoot their birth as well as their first pictures as a family of three. I can’t wait!! And..something tells me this kid is going to be pretty darn cute.

I mean, c’mon. Look at these genes.




A little break for a few moments with just momma and her little man.

Oh sweet boy, how she loves you already!


And some more snuggles. Kid, you are SO lucky. They already adore you!!








Stay tuned in the next few weeks for the arrival of this precious, beautiful, gift from God.

Signing off with a kiss! See you soon, sweet boy!










@ jeni.aohphotography

my everyday adventures