engagement & Weddings

The only thing better than capturing moments is telling the stories of the people that go along with them. I always get asked, "How do you always photograph the most inspiring people with the BEST stories?" Well, I believe it's because my clients are also my friends. I get to know them. I pray for them. I take the time to learn about them. And then, I get the privilege to share their stories of love, strength, and courage with the world.

I'm so grateful to be part of their lives. I hope I get to be part of yours, too!

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birth, bellies & babies



  There’s no place like home.  There’s no place like home.  There’s no place like home. Say it three times, or say it a million times, and it’s still true…there is something incredibly special about the place that you call home. For me, it’s the place that I grew up, that quaint little town that sits […]

May 12, 2017


Some people say it’s good luck if it rains on your wedding day. I say, if it’s good luck, then these two have the best luck I’ve EVER seen. Now, I consider myself to be a pretty positive person. Sure, I have bad days and pity parties like the rest of us, but I’ve often thought about […]

May 3, 2017


It will never get old. Witnessing new life and the intense love and emotion that come along with it…sure is hard to beat. I’ve known this family for a long time, back before they were even a “family”. We go WAY back to those carefree college days, when our biggest worry was making it to our 8:00 […]

April 22, 2017


MIRACLES. They come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes they come out of the blue, without notice, in the most unexpected of ways. Like when you can’t find your car keys and they “miraculously” show up next to the front door. Or when you find yourself searching for your child in a crowded store, and […]

April 15, 2017


[dropcap]Sometimes[/dropcap] you meet someone and you know, right off the bat, that they have something special. That’s how I felt about Lisa & Farzad, when I hung out with them this past Saturday to document the upcoming arrival of their sweet little baby.  First of all, look at them! Not only are they absolutely gorgeous people individually, […]

March 22, 2017


[dropcap]You[/dropcap] know what I love most about babies? How they can change the world, how they can change our lives…in an instant. JUST by being born. Seriously…who else can make such a large impact on the world without even doing a thing? Babies change us. They remind us that every breath is a miracle. They remind […]

March 2, 2017


[dropcap]My[/dropcap] three year old daughter’s favorite bible story is Noah and the ark. I’d like to say she’s a spiritual guru, but I’m fairly certain she just loves it because of all the animals. And all the water. The huge boat is also a perk. I mean, seriously…what kid wouldn’t be drawn to the awesome-ness […]

February 26, 2017


Let’s turn back the clock for a few moments. It’s 1998. We are dressed in sequin from head to toe, dancing our little hearts out, and singing “Love Shack” at the top of our lungs. Get the mental picture? I bet you’re not thinking about show choir, are you? Well, honestly…we really weren’t, either. I […]

February 24, 2017


I am sucker for surprise parties. Seriously…they are the best. So when a dear friend asked if I’d be willing to photograph a surprise party for one of her sweet little first graders, I was all in. I mean, what could be more fun than celebrating with a room full of crazy, screaming, sugared-up, 7 year olds?! […]

February 11, 2017

Last summer, on a particularly tough “mommy day”,  I gathered up the kids and headed outside for a much needed breath of fresh air. Kids, snacks, and strollers in tow, we headed out to enjoy the beautiful weather in our neighborhood. It wasn’t but a few minutes later, that we ran into our sweet, sweet neighbors. In […]

February 2, 2017

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my everyday adventures